
Where To Have A Attic Fan Motor Repaired

How to Troubleshoot an Cranium Fan

How to Troubleshoot an Attic Fan

An attic fan pulls the hot air out of the attic and helps cooler air be drawn through the house. If the weather isn't outrageously hot, they tin aid lower free energy bills by minimizing the utilize of the air conditioner. Even so, cranium fan problems are possible, similar the fan can become faulty, information technology can be costly to accept them repaired. But, once repaired and working correctly, compared to what electric bills can run, they are worth that expense.

Yep, Attic Fan Maintenance Is Worth The Expense And Time

If your habitation has an attic fan installed, congratulations! These are not found in newer homes, but at once, you lot would exist considered lucky to have an attic fan. And those who did take an attic fan realized that regular inspection and maintenance was fundamental in non experiencing their cranium fan e'er stopped working.

Today, homeowners desire to make sure their HVAC is working properly and so they don't have to repair or replace it. When attic fans were popular, homeowners were of the same listen when it came to avoid replacing an attic fan. Fortunately, cranium fans aren't as complicated every bit an HVAC system and a homeowner can often repair an attic fan themselves.

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What If Your Attic Fan Isn't Working Properly?

There tin exist several issues that could cause an attic fan not to work properly. Here, we are going to offer a brief overview and suggestions on how to fix some of those bug:

1). Attic Fan Won't Plow On

An attic fan that won't turn on is usually an electric problem, only it can too exist an result with the fan motor or the thermostat. First, bank check the circuit billow that controls the attic fan.

If the fuse has blown, this tin exist equally piece of cake to ready as replacing the fuse in an older home or resetting the circuit breaker in a newer wired dwelling. If the circuit breaker or fuse are working properly, check the thermostat side by side past manually turning the fan on and off. If the fan turns on, this is an indication at that place is a problem with the fan thermostat.

After determining that the excursion breaker, fuse, and thermostat are working, check the fan motor – which will be the most expensive repair of an attic fan. If at that place is an cranium fan bustling racket, this could very well be the problem. A motor can exist replaced merely replacing an attic fan may exist the more price-effective footstep to have.

2). Blades Aren't Moving

If the fan motor is running, but the fan blades aren't moving, this is usually a chugalug consequence. Removing the fan's outer casing and inspect the belt. They can be cracked and dried from the changing temperature, and over time with wear and tear, they may brainstorm to sag, fifty-fifty interruption. This can exist fixed past replacing the belt.

3). The Airflow Is Defective

If y'all have the fan on high, but information technology is sluggish or seems to be struggling, this is often an exhaust or intake problem. Check for whatever debris that has gotten sucked in and stuck in the intake and make certain the fans is nonetheless securely attached to the roof.

four). Cranium Fan Humming Noise

If the attic has a bustling noise while running on the loftier setting, lowering the setting will oft take care of that. If the attic fan is missing blades, replacing them can eliminate that hum likewise.

5). Loud Noise Coming Is From Attic Fan

When an attic fan isn't getting enough air, information technology sometimes volition begin to rattle or milkshake. Make certain the cranium windows are open up and have the proper distance from the attic fan and so in that location is an airflow for the attic fan to pull in. Attic fans and windows should exist at to the lowest degree thirty feet autonomously.

6). Attic Fan Has A Burning Smell

If yous have noticed a burning smell coming from the exhaust, it is usually the fan motor. Sometimes greasing the motor gears or replacing the belt will fix this, but if the odour is still there, replacing the motor is the adjacent solution.

vii). Attic Fan Won't Turn Off

If the attic fan won't turn off, raise the thermostat setting upwardly. If the fan yet won't turn off, check the power source to make certain it has been wired correctly. Every attic fan should accept a switch in the cranium, but if y'all don't encounter ane, turn it off at the circuit breaker before you climb upwardly in the attic.

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Where To Have A Attic Fan Motor Repaired,


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