
How To Repair Faded Peeling Leather Furniture

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Faux leather is a synthetic material made from cheap base fabric and a polyurethane coating. With time and usage, fake leather volition eventually begin to pare and bit off. Imitation leather is hard to repair, and many experts suggest against trying information technology. However, if yous're feeling adventurous and don't mind potentially worsening the condition of the faux leather shoes or upholstery, there are a couple of ways you can set about attempting to repair or supercede peeled faux leather.

  1. 1

    Sand the flaking simulated leather off with 180 grit sandpaper. Before yous begin whatever kind of repair chore, you'll commencement demand to get all of the flaking, peeling imitation leather off of the shoes. Sand the top and sides of the shoes wherever y'all note flakes. Sand in tight circles and exist sure to apply plenty of pressure to the shoe.[1]

    • You can purchase sandpaper at whatever hardware store. Pick upwardly at least iv sheets for this projection.
  2. ii

    Color in whatsoever discolored cracks with a mark that matches the shoes. Utilise a thick permanent marker and trace the tip over any parts of the shoe that announced faded or discolored once the peeling false leather has been removed. This will improve the appearance of the shoes.[2]

    • So, if you lot're repairing brown shoes, use a chocolate-brown permanent mark. Do your best to discover a mark that matches the color of the shoes. You may not exist able to find a perfect match, though, unless the shoes are black.
    • You tin buy permanent markers at whatsoever part supply shop and virtually grocery stores.


  3. three

    Use a make clean rag to rub shoe polish on the surface of the shoes. Dip a rag into a tin of shoe polish and smear information technology across the surface of the sanded shoe. Work in long, even strokes across the superlative and sides of the shoes. Be sure to apply the shoe polish evenly, so that the shoes have a uniform color across all surfaces.[3]

    • As with the marker, the shoe smoothen should friction match the color of the shoe. In most cases, a generic black or brown polish will be fine.
    • You can buy shoe polish at some grocery stores and at large retailers or section stores.
  4. 4

    Paint shoe goo over the shoe with a one2 inch (1.3 cm) paintbrush. Squeeze a dollop of shoe goo out onto the tops of the shoes, and use the paintbrush to smear the thick goo around. Make certain to cover every surface of the shoe, down to the seam where the material meets the sole. This will seal the shoes and aid protect the composite material that underlies the imitation leather.[4]

    • You can purchase shoe goo at any shoe-supply store and at many large section stores.
  5. v

    Let the shoe goo dry for 24 hours. To run across if the thick goo is dry, tap it with a finger. If your finger comes away clean and the goo doesn't feel wet, it's most likely fully dry.[five] If your finger comes away with some goo on it, give the goo another 12 hours to dry.

    • After the shoes are dry, you can showtime wearing them every bit soon equally you like.


  1. i

    Pull off loose bits of imitation leather to clean the surface for repair. Utilize your fingers to pluck off any bits of faux leather that are yet partially attached to the back or seat of your chair or sofa. Avoid pulling off more bits than necessary, though, as you lot might finish up worsening the damage to the furniture.[6]

    • Be certain to throw these leather bits away in a garbage can; otherwise, they'll make a mess in your domicile.
  2. 2

    Pigment on a layer of leather pigment that matches your furniture. You can find leather paint at large art stores or leather-supply stores. Dip a 12 inch (1.3 cm) paintbrush into the jar of leather paint, and paint an even layer across the section of faux leather you've only peeled.[7] Work in long horizontal strokes to ensure that the entire peeling area is fully covered.

    • You lot can purchase leather paint at whatever leather goods store. Information technology may as well be available at large fine art supply stores.
    • If you're unable to discover a colour of leather pigment that matches your sofa or chair, skip this pace. Move straight to applying loftier-gloss end leather paint.
  3. three

    Give the paint at least 30 minutes to dry out. If yous attempt to apply subsequent layers of leather paint over the showtime earlier it'due south completely dry out, you'll just end up smearing the layers together. To see if the paint is dry, lightly tap information technology with your finger. If your finger comes away clean and the paint doesn't experience gluey, it's dry.

  4. 4

    Apply a layer of high-gloss finish leather pigment. Once the layer of leather paint has dried, y'all can apply high-gloss finish. Equally with the matte paint, dip your 12 inch (1.3 cm) paintbrush into the high-gloss finish and paint a layer over the peeling section of the faux leather.[eight] Give the cease 30 minutes to dry.

    • Finish leather paint is colorless and will seal the painted expanse of the couch or chair that you're repairing.
  5. v

    Put on iii–iv additional layers of loftier-gloss end leather paint. The multiple layers of cease should concur the fabric together and volition foreclose further peeling in that area of the couch or chair. Apply a thick, generous coat each time. When the finish first goes on, it will announced opaque and white, but the color volition fade as the finish dries.[ix]

    • Give each glaze at to the lowest degree 30 minutes to dry before applying the side by side coat.
    • When all the coats have dried, the repaired section will expect reasonably similar to non-peeling sections of the simulated leather.


  1. 1

    Cut off the peeling faux leather with a razor blade. Earlier repairing the faux leather, y'all'll first need to remove all of the flaking pieces. Use your fingers and a razor blade to peel, scrape, and cut away the peeling sections of fake leather from your chair or sofa. Don't slice off more than faux leather than necessary, though. Only remove what's already loose and flaking.[10]

    • Y'all tin can purchase 5-packs of razor blades at most hardware stores.
    • Practice caution when using a razor blade and never cut towards yourself.
  2. 2

    Apply leather soft filler to the peeled area with a putty knife. Scoop out a 1 inch (ii.5 cm) dollop of soft filler with a putty knife. Nonetheless using the knife, smear the filler across the peeled section of the leather furniture. Smooth out the filler so that it's a uniform thickness across the peeled section. Endeavour not to get filler on the unpeeled sections of the faux leather.[11]

    • Soft filler will bond with the base textile of the faux leather and create a new vinyl-like surface. You tin can purchase it at any leather shop and at many craft supply stores.
  3. three

    Push the soft filler off of the article of furniture seams and polish the surface. If you happened to apply any filler to the article of furniture's seams, y'all tin can apply a strong piece of paper to rub if off. Use the edge of an index or concern carte du jour to push filler out of the seam. Then, run the long edge of the carte du jour over the top of the material you're repairing to smooth out the layer of filler.[12]

    • Clearing the seams and feathering the edges of the soft filler will give the repair job a more professional person look.
  4. 4

    Let the soft filler cure for 20 minutes. The filler volition cure relatively quickly. It's important that you don't touch the filler while it'southward curing. If you have minor children or pets in your habitation, proceed them out of the room with the curing filler.[xiii]

    • If you're repairing a small chair, you lot could move the chair outdoors and permit it sit in the dominicus if the weather is pleasant. This will speed up the curing process.
  5. 5

    Employ a second layer of soft filler to the patch y'all're repairing. Once the first layer has dried, use your putty knife to use a 2d thick layer of filler to the leather. Equally before, avoid spreading the filler onto undamaged parts of the false leather.[xiv]

  6. 6

    Add texture to the repair job by pressing plastic wrap against information technology. Tear off a 12 in (xxx cm) slice of plastic wrap and warp it effectually your manus. Printing your plastic-covered palm against the semi-dry out second layer of soft filler. When y'all elevator your manus off, the area will be slightly textured. Repeat this process until you've lightly textured the entire section you're repairing. Texture will assist the repaired section friction match the rest of the faux leather.[fifteen]

    • If the surface of your faux leather piece of furniture is completely shine, you won't need to add together any texturing to the soft filler. In that example, you can skip this step.
  7. 7

    Apply leather paint to the repaired patch with a clammy sponge. Squeeze a generous amount of leather paint onto a dampened sponge. The dollop should be about two inches (v.1 cm) in diameter. Then, use the sponge to smear the leather paint across the entire repaired section of the false leather. Work in long, smooth strokes, and apply a uniformly thin coat across the section you lot're repairing. Overlap the paint with the undamaged fake leather by about 12 inch (1.three cm) and so that the sections blend together.[xvi]

    • You tin find leather paint at whatsoever leather appurtenances store and at many large hobby shops. Look through the store's selection to find a colour of leather paint that matches the furniture y'all're repairing.
    • If y'all tin't discover a colour of paint that matches your chair or sofa, try mixing together a shade of paint that's slightly lighter than your furniture and i that's slightly darker.


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  • Question

    How long does simulated leather last?

    Mallika Sharma

    Mallika Sharma is a Certified Leather Care Technician and the Founder of The Leather Laundry, a niche spa service for luxury leather gear in India. Mallika specializes in leather cleaning, coloring, repairing, and restoring for shoes, handbags, jackets, wallets, belts, and sofas. She holds a Master's degree in Finance and Investment from the University of Edinburgh Business Schoolhouse. Mallika is a certified Professional person Leather Care Technician and trained with the globally reputed leather care company, LTT in the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland.

    Mallika Sharma

    Certified Leather Care Technician

    Expert Reply

    Imitation leather doesn't hold out for very long. Fifty-fifty the best quality merely lasts upward to a year or so.

  • Question

    What if the couch has less remaining faux suede than the parts that are exposed? Can I sand off the residue without ruining the soft under-textile?

    T. Chinsen

    Faux fabrics are usually layers of material bonded together. The article of clothing pattern on furniture is not fifty-fifty across its surface. At that place is no easy manner to determine how much to sand off and reach a safe layer that will not crack or tear. In that location is as well no compression of areas that are non used making it more than difficult to remove.

  • Question

    What if the shoe is textured?

    T. Chinsen

    If the shoe is of a suede-like texture and it is worn down, there is little to no matching material that tin can be added back on to restore the surface texture.

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Things You'll Need

  • 180 dust sandpaper
  • Black shoe smoothen
  • Rag
  • Black permanent marker
  • Shoe goo
  • 12 inch (one.iii cm) paintbrush
  • 1two inch (1.3 cm) paintbrush
  • Leather pigment that matches your article of furniture
  • High-gloss stop leather paint
  • Razor blade
  • Leather soft filler
  • Putty knife
  • Index card
  • Saran wrap
  • Leather paint
  • Clammy sponge
  • To avoid items like jackets, chairs, and sofas peeling, buy college-quality leather appurtenances in the futurity.



  • Be aware that the material you put on over the peeling faux leather will, over fourth dimension, peel and scrap off too.

Almost This Article

Commodity Summary X

To set up faux leather that'south peeling off your furniture, start past pulling off any loose bits of fabric then yous'll have a clean surface to work with. Once it's free of peeling pieces, apply a layer of leather paint that matches your furniture. Work in long, horizontal strokes to make certain the affected area is fully covered. Wait thirty minutes, or until the paint is completely dry, before applying any additional layers. When y'all're done painting, utilise a layer of high-gloss finish leather paint to seal the painted area. Expect for the stop to dry before applying 3 to 4 boosted layers. To learn how to set up fake leather peeling on shoes, keep reading!

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